Huong Mai Profile Picture

Huong Mai

Front-end Web Developer

banner of Huong Mai

Hello hello, I am a researcher turned front-end web developer based in Waterloo, Ontario. I love organized code and minimal/clean design for websites. I am looking to join a collaborative and unique team and to continue expanding my front-end skills.

With strong experiences in customer-oriented environment, I understand the needs and wants from users experiences and interfaces. Therefore, I love accessible and user-friendly websites.

I love to communicate and solve problems. When I'm not coding or doing research, I will spend most of my time playing with my Irish Doodle Marshal or try new Vietnamese recipes.

My Technical Skills

H.T.M.L. 5
C.S.S 3
Java Script
Google Firebase
Git and Github

My Awesome Projects

ScreenShot of Quick Flick Pix Project

Q   uick F   lick P   ix





Quick Flick Pix is a react app to help users adding movies to their lists. Users can customize the lists as also movies in each list. With a small form in each list, users will be provided a random movie with chosen genre and time-period.

ScreenShot of Movie Night Project

M    ovie N    ight





Ever wonder what to watch with your partner tonight ? No worries, "Movies Night" website got you! Just choose a genre that you feel like and you can decide which top 3 rated movies to watch. You can also see some other rated movies in the same genre.

ScreenShot of Maternity App Project

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Pregnant woman always forgets something for her hospital bag. This website is created to remind them what she has put in her bag and what not. She can also delete the item when it is not needed. Pretty cool eh!?

Contact Me

Please feel free to send a message through my email or social media links below for a job opportunity, web development or you just want to say hi to Marshal the Dood!

Picture of Marshal